Placing news, announcements, press releases, articles and reviews in all leading Ukrainian media.
We saving you time by proposing ready solutions for realization of hardest tasks!
Our aim is to use resources provided by you in most efficient way!
Our aim is your success! So quality of our work will be always high!
8 hours is the guaranteed time to complete any task that we took to work!
Regardless of the scale and price of the project, we always guarantee a consistently high quality of execution
We guarantee accuracy and timeliness of assigned tasks
We can always surprise our customers with a fresh, daring solution with guaranteed amazing results!
Your news item will be in demand and will blow up the Internet if we select the most suitable target audience and resources for placement for it
We work with all reputable Ukrainian media, and therefore we know where it will be most likely to place your PR materials correctly so your advertising budget would be spent with maximum return and efficiency !
Here you can order point placement of the article, and a comprehensive advertising campaign which includes: